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Postdoctoral Fellow Excellence in Mentorship Award

This award is intended to honor a postdoctoral fellow who shows an outstanding record of supportive mentorship in a laboratory during their time at the School of Medicine.

Nomination and support letters should describe the postdoctoral fellow’s character, their investment and commitment to training the next generation of researchers, the frequency of the interactions and length of relationships with mentees, and the importance of their impact on the mentee’s professional or educational success.

The following items are required by the committee:

  • A nomination letter from a mentee of the candidate.
  • An additional letter of support from a faculty member, postdoctoral fellow, graduate student, staff member, or additional mentee
  • A curriculum vitae highlighting the candidate’s mentorship activity
Dr. Bashar Hassan and Dr. Michael Grant stand together. They are holding Dr. Hassan's Postdoctoral Mentorship Award

2023: Bashar Hassan, MD - R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center

Dr. Tanya Webb is a Black woman with black curly hair, wearing a black speckled white blouse. She is standing next to Daiana  Cardoso Oliveira Viera who is a Latina woman wearing a red and white blouse, smiling and holding her award.

2022: Daiana Cardoso Oliveira Viera, PhD - Department of Physiology

2021: Michael Ha, PhD - Department of Surgery

Photo of Bekir Altas, PhD wearing a gray tee shirt front of a dark background

2020:  Bekir Altas, PhD - Department of Pharmacology

Kate Peters, Natalie Zlebnik, Erin Beebe, and Curt Civin

2019: Natalie Zlebnik, PhD - Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology