PhD Scholar Award
This award is intended to recognize a student who exhibits outstanding academic performance and great potential as a scientist.
Nominees for this award must have enrolled in a GPILS PhD program no earlier than the Summer 2019 semester.
The following items are required by the committee:
- A nomination letter from the student’s Program Director or Track Leader
- A nomination letter from the student's mentor
- One letter of support from another faculty member (A letter from a course director or member of the student's thesis committee is strongly recommended.)
- A curriculum vitae including the student’s GPA
2023: Megan Stemberger - Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2022: Elizabeth Hill - Program in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

2021: Madeline Alizadeh - Program in Molecular Medicine

2020: Michael Sikorski - Program in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

2019: Hanover Matz - Program in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
2018: Stephen Pratt - Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

2017: Nathan Roberts - Program in Molecular Medicine

2016: Michael White - Program in Neuroscience

2015: Haiwen Chen - Program in Neuroscience
2014: Grace Maldarelli - Program in Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
2013: Mark Kvarta - Program in Neuroscience

2012: Gabriel Eades - Program in Molecular Medicine

2011: Jessica Shiu - Program in Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
2010: Amanda Boggs - Program in Molecular Medicine

2009: Nick Frost - Program in Neuroscience

2008: Shayna Rich - Program in Epidemiology & Human Genetics

2007: Justin Kerr - Program in Neuroscience