Student Resources
General programmatic information, the CMBS 22-23 Handbook, and forms are located on this page.
Other items to pay attention to are the Graduate School Academic Calendars, Registration Information, and Graduation Deadlines which are updated on an annual basis. Before submitting any forms, please be sure to check these deadlines.
Below, are the most frequently used forms by CMBS students. Please contact Victoria Kutnik if you have questions.
General Forms
All Graduate School Forms
Lab Rotation Forms
All CMBS Lab Rotation Forms are located on our Microsoft Teams page. Please login here to access these forms.
These forms are fillable, and do require an electronic signature. Please make sure you have Adobe Reader (at a mimimum) or Adobe Acobat installed on your computer before completing the forms.
Thesis Forms
All CMBS Thesis Forms are located on our Microsoft Teams page. Please login here to access these forms.
These forms are fillable, and do require an electronic signature. Please make sure you have Adobe Reader (at a mimimum) or Adobe Acobat installed on your computer before completing the forms.
Program Processes
Process outlines for different program components are listed below. Please click on each of the links below for more information.
How do I register for my classes?
The Program Specialist will register all new incoming students for their first semester courses. After successful completion of the first semester, all students are responsible for their own registration.
The registration process is as follows:
- Meet with Program Director and Program Specialist to discuss courses of interest. The student's individual Program of Study (PoS) worksheet will help facilitate this discussion.
- Once courses have been discussed and approved, the student's registration will be unlocked.
- Notification that the student's registration has been unlocked will be sent via email.
Students must login to SURFS to complete the registration process at least 6 weeks before the start of the semester. Instructions detailing this process will be emailed to the student’s university email account.
The Add/Drop Form is to be used if online registration has closed. Please note that dropping courses after the semester has begun, may not result in a full refund. Check the Graduate School Calendars and Deadlines for additional detailed information.
Course Selection
What courses should I register for?
Please refer to the program requirements and the list of Elective Courses to ensure course selections are appropriate.
- Check the SURFS Class Schedule for courses offered in a specific semester.
- International students must be registered for a minimum of 9 credits (full-time) each semester.
- Independent Study: Students interested in designing an independent study course should speak with the program director and complete the Independent Study for approval.
*** PLEASE NOTE: If you are considering applying to a GPILS PhD program, you must receive a grade of B or higher in GPLS 601 Mechanisms in Biomedical Sciences (Core Course).
Laboratory Rotations
Laboratory Rotations
GPLS 609, Section 05
Rotations may be taken for 1-3 credits per semester. Non-thesis option students are required to take 4-6 credits of lab rotations total and thesis option students are required to take 1-4 credits of lab rotations. Rotations last approximately 8 weeks.
When approaching a mentor to rotate with, clearly indicate that you are a MASTER'S student and do not require a stipend provided by the mentor.
- - Must be completed and signed by the Rotation Mentor and the Director before rotation begins
- - Must be completed and signed by the student; submitted to the Director within 10 days of completion
- - Must be completed and signed by the rotation mentor; submitted to the Director within 10 days of completion
Students should research faculty prior to reaching out to potential mentors on the GPILS Faculty page. Once in a lab, students are expected to follow Good Lab Practices or 'GLP'. For more information, students should reference this GLP Guidelines of how to keep a lab notebook
Thesis Option
Thesis Students
View the Graduate School requirements for forming an MS Thesis Committee and for the Graduate School's requirments for the Master's Thesis Examination.
Thesis students are required to take 6 credits of GPLS 799, Section 01 Master’s Thesis Research.
Thesis submission is through ProQuest ETD and to Elice García-Baca when completed.
Graduation Paperwork & Process
Graduation Forms
All students should bookmark the following page on the Graduate School which outlines graduation deadlines per semester. Depending on if a student is doing a Thesis or going the Non-Thesis route will determine what paperwork is needed.
Graduate School forms to be completed prior to graudation are also listed on the Graduate School webpage under 'Graduation & Degree Certification Forms'.
Thesis Forms
The order in which the forms for program completion with a Thesis are:
- Apply to Graduate in SURFS when you register for your final semester of courses
- Fulfillment of Course Requirements (including a copy of unofficial transcript from SURFS)
Submit to with Elice García-Baca in cc - Nomination of Members for Final Master's Examination Committee
Submit to with Elice García-Baca in cc - Certification of MS Degree With Thesis (thesis should be written before completing this form)
Submit to with Elice García-Baca in cc - Defense Announcement (online form)
- Report of Examining Committee
Submitted by Thesis Committee Chairperson - Approval Sheet
Submit to with Elice García-Baca in cc - Electronic Publication Form/Digital Archive Authorization
Submit to with Elice García-Baca in cc
Non-Thesis Forms
The order in which the forms for program completion as a Non-Thesis student are:
- Apply to Graduate in SURFS when you register for your final semester of courses
- Fulfillment of Course Requirements (including a copy of unofficial transcript from SURFS)
Submit to with Elice García-Baca in cc - Certification of MS Degree Without Thesis
Submit to with Elice García-Baca in cc