Training Faculty

Stefanie Vogel, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Director, SPII Training Program
Dr. Stefanie N. Vogel, PhD, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology (primary) and Medicine (secondary), UMSOM, directs the SPII Training Program (TP). Dr. Vogel received her BS (1972) and PhD (1977) in Microbiology & Immunology from the Univ. of Maryland, College Park. Her career in innate immunity began with her postdoctoral NRSA fellowship at the NIH where she studied inflammation and host-pathogen interactions. There, she established herself in the area of macrophage biology with important studies that included mapping the Lps gene (now Tlr4) to Chr 4, demonstrating a relationship between macrophage activation and LPS sensitivity, and studies on the roles of cytokines in endotoxicity. She joined the faculty of the Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in 1980 where she established her own laboratory, obtained external funding, taught medical and graduate students, and rose to the rank of tenured Professor. In 2002, Dr. Vogel and her laboratory moved to UMSOM where she continues to be heavily involved in teaching and research. She is an internationally recognized expert in innate immunity and her laboratory serves as a resource at UMSOM and for laboratories worldwide. She is a member of the Marlene & Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center, has served on Faculty Council, as basic science representative to the Dean’s Executive Committee, and currently serves on the UMB Scientific Research Committee that evaluates the merit of new UMB scientific inventions.
Dr. Vogel has had continuous NIH funding since 1982, including her first R01, “Differentiative Signals for Macrophage Activation,” that was converted to a MERIT award in 1998 and funded for 33 years. Dr. Vogel’s laboratory studies mechanisms by which TLRs and other PRRs engage viral and bacterial PAMPs, dissection of signaling pathways that mediate inflammatory gene expression, and counter-regulation of inflammatory responses. She also studies host-pathogen interactions in response to bacteria (e.g., Francisella tularensis) and viruses (e.g., Respiratory Syncytial Virus, influenza), including development of vaccines and therapeutics based on targeting the innate immune system in collaboration with basic and clinician scientists on highly translational projects. She served as a permanent member of the NIH Immunity and Host Defense study section and has held leadership positions in the American Association of Immunologists, Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB), and International Endotoxin and Innate Immunity Society (IEIIIS; past president). She is an American Academy of Microbiology and an AAAS Fellow. Dr. Vogel has received numerous awards for her work in innate immunity, i.e., the Bonazinga Award (SLB), the Frederik Bang Award (IEIIS), the Milstein Award (International Cytokine & Interferon Society), the Women in Inflammation Award (International Assoc. of Inflammation Societies) and, in 2017, Honorary Lifetime Membership (SLB).
Dr. Vogel currently teaches in the Host Defenses and Infectious Diseases (HDID) course for medical students and GPLS 702 (Graduate Immunology), and previously lectured in basic and advanced immunology courses offered by USUHS, the Federation for Advancement of Education in Science (FAES), the American Association of Immunologists (AAI), and other universities, and serves on the dissertation committees of many students at UMSOM. Dr. Vogel serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Center for Excellence for Molecular Inflammation Research, a premier innate immunity program based at the Univ. of Trondheim, Norway. She has organized national and international meetings, including Keystone Symposia. As evidence of her commitment to and success in mentoring, Dr. Vogel has trained 11 graduate students and 38 postdoctoral fellows. All of her past trainees have gone into careers in science, including academia, industry, medicine, research institutions, and scientific administration.

Bret Hassel, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Co-Director, SPII Training Program
Director, Graduate Program in Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
Director, Nathan Schnaper Intern Program in Translational Cancer Research
Financial Sustainability Co-Chair, UMB CURE Scholars Program
Dr. Bret Hassel Ph.D is a Co-Director of the SPII TP. Dr. Hassel, Associate Professor in the Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology, obtained his PhD in Biochemistry from the Johns Hopkins University in 1989. He joined the Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology in 1995 from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation where he was a Research Associate. Dr. Hassel is Director of the Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (MMI) graduate program, has taught in 9 graduate and medical school courses, and was awarded the GPILS Teacher of the Year in 2013. He is also affiliated with the Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. He has a strong record of mentoring and training activities, having served on the thesis committees of over 60 students and as primary mentor for 33 postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate intern trainees. His former trainees hold research scientist positions in industry (Origene) and academia/research institutions (NCI, NIDDK, FDA, UMSOD). Dr. Hassel serves leadership roles in several additional UMSOM TPs. He is PI of the Nathan Schnaper Undergraduate Intern Program in translational cancer research and Director of Funding and Sustainability for the NCI-funded UMB Continuing Umbrella of Research Experience (CURE) minority STEM education pipeline. He further serves as Co-Investigator and Scholar Advisor on the NIGMS-funded minority Science Training for Advancing Biomedical Research Postbaccalaureate Research and Education Program. Dr. Hassel was recently awarded a new R25, “Bridges to the Doctorate,” an under-represented minority (URM)-focused TP between UMSOM and Towson University (TU) that leverages the research strengths of both institutions to provide minority students with critical research and professional skills while they complete their M.S. degree at TU, preparing them for a successful transition to the Ph.D. program at UMSOM. Dr. Hassel teaches in GPLS 702 (Basic Immunology) and serves as a faculty preceptor in GPLS 907 (Research Ethics). He will continue to track the progress of our SPII predoctoral trainees. Dr. Hassel mentored one of our postdoctoral trainees.
Dr. Hassel’s laboratory studies mechanisms by which type I interferons affect host innate immune responses to pathogens and tumors. His work focuses on RNase-L, the terminal component of a RNA decay pathway that mediates antimicrobial and tumor suppressor functions. His group determined that this pathway mediates its biological activities by modulating gene expression that impacts multiple processes including apoptosis and senescence. Recently, he discovered a novel role for RNase-L, previously associated with antiviral immunity, in antibacterial immunity (including B. anthracis). He also reported a role for RNase-L in barrier function that is the first non-enzymatic activity for this protein. Investigations into the mechanisms underlying these activities will reveal RNase-L-targeted strategies to modulate the innate immune response.

Achsah Keegan, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Co-Director, SPII Training Program
Associate Director, Medical Scientist Training Program
Dr. Achsah D. Keegan is a Professor in the Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology, and a member of the Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases (CVID) and the Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. She received her PhD in Immunology from the Dept. of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1989, where she studied the regulation of CD23 and IgE production by IL-4 and LPS. Her postdoctoral training, in the laboratory of Dr. William E. Paul (NIAID, NIH), led to the characterization of the IL-4 receptor and its signaling pathways. In 1994, she joined the Immunology Department at the Holland Laboratory of the American Red Cross as a Staff Scientist (Assistant Professor equivalent) and remained there until 2004. During this time, Dr. Keegan was also on the faculty of the George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, DC, where she served as Director of the Immunology Graduate Program from 2001-2004. While at the Red Cross, she established an independent research program and rose through the ranks to Senior Scientist (Professor equivalent). Dr. Keegan joined the faculty at the UMSOM in 2004. She has had continuous federal funding since 1996 for research on the molecular mechanisms of IL-4 and IL-13 signaling and has trained 8 predoctoral fellows,7 postdoctoral fellows, and has mentored 9 undergraduates and 2 high school students.
Dr. Keegan is internationally recognized for her research on the molecular mechanisms of IL-4 and IL-13 signaling, including the regulation of innate immune cell development and function (macrophages, mast cells, eosinophils), and the pathogenesis of allergic asthma. More recent studies also explore the innate signaling pathways activated by complex allergens such as house dust mite that lead to macrophage activation and expression of the alternatively activated phenotype. This is important since asthma is modulated by activation of innate sensors on epithelial cells and on macrophages, as well as on mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils. Dr. Keegan previously served on the Executive Committee for the Molecular Medicine Cancer Biology Program, as the Director of the Qualifying exams for that Program, and on the Admissions and Qualifying Exam committees of the MMI Program. She currently serves on the GPILS Curriculum Committee and is the Associate Director of the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). As such, she is responsible for guiding ~50 students through the MD/PhD training. As in our first funding period, Dr. Keegan will track the progress of our postdoctoral trainees. Dr. Keegan teaches in HDID and in the graduate courses, GPLS 702 (Basic Immunology), GPLS 616 (Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction), GPLS 703 (Advanced Immunology), and is course director for Molecules to Medicine, a course specific for the M.D./Ph.D. trainees.

Sergei Atamas, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine
Sergei Atamas, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine; Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Atamas' laboratory investigates immune and inflammatory mechanisms of excessive scarring, or fibrosis, of the lungs, with a particular focus on pathobiology of lymphocytes and macrophages, and the roles of cytokines, chemokines, and cell surface molecules. Dr. Atamas also lectures in HDID and serves on several MMI dissertation committees.

Abdu Azad, PharmD, PhD, MPH
Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Abdu Azad, PhD, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology. Dr. Azad’s laboratory focuses on (i) study of the tick and flea innate immune-responsive molecules (e.g., a kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor Dv-KPI and defensins) to obligate intracellular bacteria such as Rickettsia, and (ii) molecular characterization and functional analysis of rickettsial surface cell antigens, phospholipases, RalFandankyrin repeat-containing proteins. Furthermore, Dr. Azad directs the BSL3 Containment Facility and conducts BSL3 training courses and is a preceptor in GPLS 907, Research Ethics. Dr. Azad has mentored one pre- and one post-doctoral SPII trainee.

Eileen Barry, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine
Eileen Barry, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Microbiology & Immunology, Center for Vaccine Development. Dr. Barry’s laboratory focuses on the pathogenesis of the intracellular pathogens Francisella and Shigella, especially host-pathogen interactions and innate immune responses, and the development of vaccines against such pathogens. Dr. Barry teaches in HDID and is co-course director in Vaccinology (PREV 627) and Advanced Microbial Pathogenesis (GPLS 725). Dr. Barry previously mentored one of our predoctoral trainees.

Nicholas Carbonetti, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Nicholas H. Carbonetti, PhD, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology. Dr. Carbonetti’s laboratory works on mechanisms by which pertussis toxin affects host innate immune responses in response to infection by Bordetella pertussis, including recruitment of immune cells to the airway, macrophage phagocytosis and killing, effects on lung cytokine and chemokine expression, and exacerbation of lung inflammatory pathology. He served as Director of the MMI graduate program for 10 years, is Associate Director of the IAI T32 TP, and teaches in HDID, GPLS 710 (Principles of Microbial Pathogenesis), GPLS 725 (Advanced Microbial Pathogenesis; Co-Course Director), and GPLS 616 (Mechanisms of Signal Transduction).

Alan Cross, MD
Professor, Department of Medicine
Alan S. Cross, MD, Professor of Medicine, Center for Vaccine Development; Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Cross’ lab studies responses of neutrophils and macrophages to bacterial LPS and other PAMPs, the development of broad spectrum, host-oriented therapy against multidrug resistant bacteria, and the development of vaccines against nosocomial Gram negative bacterial pathogens. He is a leader in the study of glycans in the regulation of the innate immune response. Dr. Cross serves on the dissertations committees of many MMI PhD candidates and will continue to serve on the Advisory Committee.

Helen Dooley, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Helen M. Dooley, PhD, Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology. Dr. Dooley joined UMSOM from a senior lecturer position at the University of Aberdeen, UK, in November 2016. She and her team study the evolution of the immune system and its component molecules. Dr. Dooley’s team are currently mapping changes in innate effector molecules (including complement components and interferons), as well as the signaling molecules that control the immune response (such as TNFSF ligands and their receptors), across vertebrate phylogeny. The overarching aim is to understand how the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system became unified early in vertebrate evolution. Since her arrival at Dr. Dooley has started teaching HDID small group sessions and to serve on MMI dissertation committees.

Robert Ernst, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbial Pathogensis
University of Maryland School of Dentistry
Robert K. Ernst, PhD, Professor and Vice-Chair, Departments of Microbial Pathogenesis, UMSOD (primary) and Microbiology & Immunology, UMSOM (secondary). Dr. Ernst’s work focuses on understanding the molecular basis by which Gram-negative and positive bacteria modify their membrane lipid components and how these alterations affect or circumvent normal host innate immune responses. He is course director for MICP 521I (Infectious Diseases, UMSOD), Co-Director for GPLS 710 (Principles of Microbial Pathogenesis), and lectures in HDID, MICP 521M (Microbiology & Immunology, UMSOD), GPLS 635 (Bacterial Genetics), and is a preceptor in GPLS 907 (Research Ethics). He mentored two SPII predoctoral trainees.

Martin Flajnik, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Martin F. Flajnik, PhD, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology. Research in Dr. Flajnik’s laboratory focuses on the evolution of immune responses. His laboratory has identified “innate antibodies” in sharks derived from immunoglobulin genes that are expressed without gene rearrangement, and other ‘early antibodies’ with distinct repertoires. Dr. Flajnik is course director for both the Basic and Advanced Immunology graduate courses, teaches in HDID, and the graduate student Core Course (and was one of the main organizers of this course). He also advises the student organizers of the immunology journal club, and oversees UM Immunology Group seminars, and the Goidl Lectureship. From 2000-2015 he was chair of the MMI qualifying examination and still participates in every exam. Dr. Flajnik will continue to serve on the SPII Advisory Committee.

Matthew Frieman, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Matthew B. Frieman, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology. Dr. Frieman studies the immune response and pathogenesis of SARS and MERS Coronaviruses, with a focus on virally-encoded interferon antagonists and host factors that mediate disease progression. His lab employs FACS analysis and viral reverse genetics to study the role of alternatively activated macrophages in the host response to viral infection. He teaches in HDID, GPLS 704 (Principles of Virology), and in the graduate Core Course. Dr. Frieman mentored one of our SPII predoctoral trainees.

David Goodlett, PhD
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
David R. Goodlett, PhD, Professor, Departments of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UMSOP (primary); Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Goodlett’s laboratory works on development of a structure activity relationship library for lipid A binding to MD2 to define how structural changes in each alter host innate immune responses to Gram negative pathogens including Burkholderia, Francisella, and Yersiniae. He has several decades of experience using mass spectrometry to define the structure of biological molecules, e.g., lipid A and proteins, including post-translational modifications. Dr. Goodlett lectures in the Core Course, GPLS 710 (Principles of Microbial Pathogenesis), and PHAR 600 (Principles of Drug Discovery).

Jeffrey Hasday, MD
Dr. Herbert Berger Professor in Medicine
Division Head, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
Jeffrey D. Hasday, MD, Professor of Medicine; Herbert Berger Professor of Medicine and Head of the Pulmonary and Critical Care Division; Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Hasday’s laboratory studies how febrile-range hyperthermia and clinically relevant hypothermia modifies pulmonary endothelial and epithelial function, and lung injury and repair by innate immune mechanisms. He also studies regulation of alveolar macrophages, the role of inhaled bacterial LPS in tobacco-related lung disease, and lung inflammation and its effect on lung development in animal models and human neonates. More recently, he has used computer-aided, structure-based design to develop a new class of substrate-selective p38 MAPK inhibitors, analyzing the structural and functional changes exhibited by p38a with clinically relevant temperature shifts, the role of heat shock in fibrosis, and the potential beneficial effects of hypothermia in ARDS. He directs the Cytokine Core Laboratory and the Inflammation Research Group (IRG), the longest running seminar series on campus.

William Jackson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
William T. Jackson, PhD, Assistant Professor, Microbiology & Immunology. Dr. Jackson studies mechanisms by which positive strand viruses interact with the cellular innate immune response of autophagy. His group discovered that many picornaviruses subvert this anti-microbial pathway to promote their replication and dissemination. Dr. Jackson moved to the UMSOM in 2015 and lectured in GPLS 704 (Principles of Virology) and GPLS 603 (Mechanisms in Biomedical Sciences), as well as HDID small group sessions.

Dhan Kalvakolanu, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Dhan V. Kalvakolanu, PhD, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology; Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Kalvakolanu works on cytokine-induced innate immune tumor suppressor mechanisms and discovered GRIMs, novel antiproliferative mediators that are counteracted by viruses to promote cell growth. His lab studies cytokine-inducible gene regulatory elements and signal transduction pathways, and provides institution-wide expertise on ChIP analysis, JAK-STAT signaling, signal transduction through C/EBP, ATF, Fos-Jun, NF-kB transcription factor families and MAP Kinases. He teaches in HDID, MBIC 703 (Advanced Mol. Biology), GPLS 603 (Mechanisms in Biomedical Sciences), GPLS 790 (Advanced Cancer Biology), and serves as a preceptor for GPLS 907 (Research Ethics).

David Loane, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
David J. Loane, PhD, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology; STAR Center. Dr. Loane investigates the activation status and function of microglia, the primary innate immune cells in the brain, following acute traumatic brain injury (TBI). His focus on how microglia contribute to neurodegeneration or neurorepair has led to new insights into long-term neurological recovery after TBI. He combines in vitro and in vivo models with molecular, genetic, immunological, imaging, and neurobehavioral approaches to dissect molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neurological outcomes post-injury. Dr. Loane teaches in GPLS 691 (Molecular Neuroscience and Biophysics), GPLS 907 (Research Ethics), and in HDID, and serves on GPILS dissertation committees.

Amanda Oglesby-Sherrouse, PhD
Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
Amanda Ogelsby-Sherrouse, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy. Dr. Oglesby-Sherrouse studies the ability of bacterial pathogens to overcome the innate immune process of metal withholding, referred to as nutritional immunity, from two related perspectives. First, they examine the regulatory mechanisms used by bacterial pathogens to respond to metal depletion. Second, they determine the interaction of bacterial pathogens with specific metal sequestering components of the innate immune system, such as calprotectin. Dr. Oglesby-Sherrouse teaches in Microbial Pathogenesis (GPLS 710) and Advanced Microbial Pathogenesis (GPLS 725) courses in the GPLS MMI program, in the Principles of Drug Discovery (PHAR600), Bioanalytical Techniques (PHAR628), and Topics in Metallobiochemistry (PHAR755) courses in the PSC graduate program, and she is course manager of the PHAR600 course in the PSC graduate program.

Joao Pedra, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Joao H. F. Pedra, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology. The laboratory of Dr. Pedra is focused on: (i) how arthropod vector salivary proteins affect Nod-like receptor signaling; (ii) eicosanoid regulation of the NLRC4 inflammasome during pathogen infection; and (iii) bacterial recognition by the tick immune system. Dr. Pedra teaches in the HDID course. He also lectures on Nod-like receptors for the graduate students in Basic Immunology (GPLS 702) and Advanced Immunology (GPLS 769).

David Rasko, PhD
Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Professor, Institute for Genome Sciences
David A. Rasko, PhD, Professor of Microbiology & Immunology; Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS). Dr. Rasko uses high-throughput genomics and transcriptomics to compare and examine the genome content and responses to stimuli on both the host and pathogen sides of the infection. A focus in the lab is on enteric pathogens and the interaction with the mucosal membrane and associated cell types. Dr. Rasko teaches in HDID, as well as in the Principles of Microbial Pathogenesis (GPLS 710) and Advanced Microbial Pathogenesis (GPLS 725) courses. Dr. Rasko served as a mentor for one of our predoctoral trainees.

Terez Shea-Donohue, PhD
Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
Terez Shea-Donohue, PhD, Professor of Radiation Oncology, Medicine, and Physiology. Dr. Shea-Donohue studies mechanisms of cross-talk between immune and structural cells in the gut that impact inflammation- or infection-induced changes in gut function. Her lab provides expertise in gastrointestinal physiology measurements (e.g., Transepithelial Electrical Resistance, laser capture microscopy, permeability, imaging, etc.). Dr. Shea-Donohue heads the Molecular and Cellular Physiology track in the GPILS Molecular Medicine Program and is Course Director for GPLS 750 (Topics in Molecular Medicine). She also teaches gastrointestinal physiology in the first-year medical school course, Functional Systems. She co-directs the “Research Training in Gastroenterology” T32 TP (PI: Jean Pierre Raufman), is on the Steering Committee of the “Training Program in Integrative Membrane Biology” (PI: Matthew Trudeau and Andrea Meredith) and is on the Molecular Medicine Program Admissions committee. She currently co-mentors one MD/PhD student and one PhD student.

J. Marc Simard, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery
Chief, Neurosurgical Service, Baltimore VA Hospital
J. Marc Simard, MD, PhD, Professor of Neurosurgery, Pathology and Physiology, is a clinician/scientist with an active practice of vascular neurosurgery. Dr. Simard’s laboratory studies neuroinflammation in CNS conditions such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, and multiple sclerosis. The focus of the laboratory is on the role of the Sur1-Trpm4 channel, which is newly upregulated by microglia and astrocytes in these conditions and which, by regulating intracellular calcium, plays a central role in gene expression and in cytokine and chemokine secretion by microglia and astrocytes. Dr. Simard lectures in the Functional Systems course to first-year medical students, and supervises pre- and postdoctoral trainees.

Nevil Singh, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Nevil J. Singh, PhD, Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology; Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Singh studies how signals from the innate immune system regulate T cell activation and differentiation. His laboratory has identified several molecules that complex with the 40 kDa subunit of the innate cytokine IL-12, and he is studying how these molecules signal to cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems. Dr. Singh teaches in the GPILS 702 (Basic Immunology) and GPILS 703 (Advanced Immunology) graduate courses.

Greg Snyder, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine,
Division of Basic Science, Institute of Human Virology
Greg A. Snyder, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Institute of Human Virology. Dr. Snyder’s work focuses on molecular processes that underlie host-microbe interactions pertaining to pathogenicity, inflammation, and immune dysregulation. Dr. Snyder has pursued structural studies involving host-microbe recognition systems of MHC I with Natural Killer Cell receptors, HIV-1 entry and budding, carbohydrate recognition and subversion of TLR and Interleukin-1 receptor resistance domain (TIR) signaling pathways by microbial TIR mimics. He is extensively trained in structural biology using X-ray crystallography, NMR, and other biophysical techniques and mentored one of our SPII postdoctoral trainees. Dr. Snyder teaches in GPLS 907 (Research Ethics).

Eric Sundberg, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine
Co-Director, Basic Science Division, Institute of Human Virology
Co-Director, Structural Biology Shared Service, University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center
Eric J. Sundberg, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Microbiology & Immunology, Co-Director of the Basic Science Division, Institute of Human Virology; Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Sundberg works on IL-1 family cytokine signaling mechanisms, focused primarily on the structural biology of agonist and antagonist cytokine interactions with their cognate receptors and shared accessory proteins, TIR adaptor domain interactions, and protein engineering to develop super-antagonist cytokines and decoy receptors as novel biologics for the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions. He is section leader of the Proteins section of the Core Course, teaches in HDID, Advanced Immunology, and GPLS 907 (Research Ethics) courses and serves on the MSTP Advisory and Admissions Committee. Dr. Sundberg is also Co-Director of the Structural Biology Shared Service of the Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. He mentored one of our first SPII postdoctoral trainees.

Vladamir Toshchakov, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Vladimir Y. Toshchakov, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology. Dr. Toshchakov’s research seeks to advance understanding of molecular recognition mechanisms that underlie the assembly of TLR signaling complexes and development of molecular tools to block initiation of intracellular TLR signaling. His laboratory uses a combination of cell-based, biophysical, and in vivo approaches to “map” recognition sites within TIR domains of TLRs and TLR adapter proteins for which he was issued a patent last year. Dr. Toshchakov teaches in HDID and the MD/PhD course, Molecules to Medicine.

Tonya Webb, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Tonya Webb, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology; Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Webb investigates the efficacy of modulating NKT cells, an innate lymphocyte population, as a cancer immunotherapeutic strategy. She developed artificial antigen presenting cells (aAPCs) to stimulate and expand effector NKT cell subsets from healthy donors and cancer patients. These studies involve both basic science and translational studies that could potentially lead to novel anti-cancer therapeutics. Dr. Webb teaches in HDID, GPILS 702 (Basic Immunology), GPLS 769 (Advanced Immunology), GPLS 623 (Molecular Toxicology) and in MICP 521M (Microbiology & Immunology, DS). She directs a special topics course, GPLS 618 (Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy). She serves on the UMB Judicial Board, medical school and MMI graduate admissions committees. Dr. Webb mentored one of our SPII postdoctoral trainees.

Jeffrey Winkles, PhD
Professor, Department of Surgery
Jeffrey Winkles, PhD, Professor of Surgery, Physiology; Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases (CVID); Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Winkles laboratory studies TWEAK, a TNF-related proinflammatory cytokine, and its cell surface receptor, Fn14, with emphasis on the role this ligand-receptor pair plays in tumor angiogenesis, inflammation, and tumor cell invasion. TWEAK binding to Fn14 activates various signaling pathways, including the NF-kB pathway that is associated with chronic inflammation. Dr. Winkles is course director for GPLS 616 (Signal Transduction) and teaches in GPLS 790 (Advanced Cancer Biology).

Li Zhang, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology
Li Zhang, PhD, Associate Professor of Physiology; CVID; Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Zhang studies the involvement of macrophages, DCs, and microglia in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases, and maintenance of the blood-brain barrier, with a major focus on the role of b2-integrin signaling in cell adhesion, migration, and differentiation. He teaches in GPLS 750 (Topics in Molecular Medicine), GPLS 616 (Molecular Mechanisms of Signal Transduction), GPLS 907 (Research Ethics), and the Core Course. Dr. Zhang directs GPLS 690 (Current Topics in Vascular & Stem Cell Biology).