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Career Development Workshops

How to Write an NRSA
This grant writing workshop targets postdoctoral fellows and graduate students interested in applying for an individual National Research Service Award (NRSA) from the NIH. Major subjects will include the following: the “right time” to apply; components of an NRSA; and the review criteria for an NRSA, including; candidate; sponsor and training environment; training potential and research proposal.
Communicating your Research
This one day workshop involves learning how to present research (e.g., how to get an abstract accepted for a conference; how to construct and deliver a 10 minute research talk; how to give a poster presentation and how to handle a Q and A session, etc.).
Career Networking
Networking is crucial for your career success. This workshop will demystify the process of networking and teach participants new tools they can immediately employ to develop new contacts and enhance their job search visibility and professional development. Elevator speeches and informational interviews will also be covered.
Transforming Your CV Into a Resume
Presenting yourself is key to your next job search and you may only have one chance to make a good first impression. If your next job search yields a position that requires you to send a resume, how confident do you feel about your resume presentation? Participants will learn how to convert their CV into an effective resume. Cover letters will also be addressed. Participants are encouraged to bring their current CV to this session for additional feedback.
Interviewing Skills
Whether you are actively searching for a new position, or simply interested in gaining additional insight into the interview process, it is never too early to start preparing for your next interview. This workshop will introduce various interviewing styles, address common interview mistakes and offer pointers on how to enhance your interviewing skills. At the end of the session, participants will be able to deliver and effective introduction and handle difficult interview questions.



For more information please contact:

Jennifer Aumiller, MEd
GPILS/OPS Career and Professional Development