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Student Advisory Committee

The Graduate Program in Life Sciences' Student Advisory Committee consists of representatives from each of the GPILS graduate programs. Members advise GPILS leadership on all matters ranging from academics and career development to special events and community services. The GPILS Student Advisory Committee (SAC) is also involved in spearheading community outreach, volunteer work, and planning special events for fellow GPILS students.

Listed below are the members of the GPILS Student Advisory Committee:

GPILS Student Advisory Committee

Ben Grissom Molecular Medicine President
Noah Pollack Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Vice President
Christine Dionisos Neuroscience Secretary
Hardler Servius Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Treasurer
Shabnam Lateef Physical Rehabilitation Science Event Coordinator
Susweta Roy Epidemiology and Human Genetics Event Coordinator
Jessica Cornell Molecular Medicine Member
Ranya Almardawi Gerontology Member
Gillian Dea Molecular Medicine Member

Melissa Kroeger, MA, Program Specialist for Graduate Program in Life Sciences serves as the staff advisor for SAC.