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Previous Retreats

A Cancer Biology Research Retreat is held annually at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. These retreats offer postdoctoral and clinical research fellows, graduate students, young investigators and faculty involved in cancer research an outstanding opportunity to to learn about the science going on at our campus, and to meet and get to know each other, the faculty and other researchers in a relaxed setting.

These goals are accomplished through oral presentations by distinguished guest speakers, fellows and students, and poster presentations. Trainee posters and platform talks are judged by faculty for cash awards.

The Cancer Biology Research Retreats are sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI)-funded T32 Cancer Biology Traing Grant, the NCI-designated University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center, the Graduate Program in Life Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the University of Maryland BioPark.

Annual Retreats